architecture and the building information model

Friday, January 5, 2007

BIM+Design Phase

The project comprised twenty seven different building types and fourteen disciplines. We had inherited some five years of CAD data much of which had been produced in the traditional manner ie drawn for drawings, not for building.

Our initial task was to educate the consultant team to think in terms of building information in their CAD drawings that would be used by others, thereby eliminating duplication of the building components. We thought this to be a relatively simple redirection of efforts and resources, however the reality was very different.

We had little issue in the way of software, as we were all using Auto CAD. What we did find surprising was the number of individuals using Auto CAD simply as an electronic pen, without ever having investigated the concept of layered Xref data.

The building of BIM data in any form, requires interaction between design disciplines similar to the kids building block games, piece by piece. This creates some issue when the design phase of our building projects is geared towards client presentation of drawings rather than communication about the development of the model.

At the time we thought our experiences were unique, and building a model from scratch would not be dogged by the same interferences, however we were wrong on that score too. It matters little what software technology is developed, if it is not supported through educated use by trained technicians and managers. Without support and understanding from industry directors, be they from construction company's or design firms, BIM will fly in circles.

In the design phase, building information modelling creates a need to communicate on a entirely different level. Our first step to utilising this technology is to admit we need it.

Next article will still focus on the design phase, and how we involved the contractors in the design team.

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